
Sunday, 26 January 2014

How does the internet(world wide web) works?

As we all know that internet is one of the greatest thing that was invented by mankind.Today in this post we are going to see how the internet was working.The internet(ARPANET)  was invented by Us military in 1960's .According to internet world stats ,as of june 30 2012 there was an estimated  2,405,518,37 internet  users worldwide..


  • It is a large group of computers that are connected to each other globally and also connects mainframes,cell phones,gps units etc..Internet was created by united states department of  Defense  Advanced Research Projects Agency" (DARPA) in october 1969,and the world wide web was created by Tim Berners Lee.Difference between internet and web is that internet is a big collection 0f computers and web is a big collection of  HTML pages on the internet.
  • internet first

Working of Internet:

internet second

Each computer that are connected to internet must have unique ip address  in a format like range is from 0 to 255).IP stands for internet protocol address.Ok let’s see how the internet work’s.For example consider your computer IP address is and the  target computers IP address is you want to send a message “Happy Birthday” to sending message from to  it would happen something like this,
  • If the message you are going to send is very long then it is breaked into small packets.
  • Then the  packets(message)  would go  through application layer and continue to TCP layer where application will add  port number to each packets because we need to know which program on the destination computer needs to receive the message because it will be listening on a specific port.
  • The packets then enters IP(internet protocol)  where it receives destination IP address for each packets.Now the packets are ready to be sent over the internet.In order to send packets to internet it must be converted into electronic signal which can be done with the help of Hardware(eg:Modem).
  • After the message was sent,the internet service providers router will examines the destination address  of each packets and  sent it to corresponding IP address
  • After the message was reached to it works in upward way as shown above .Atlast the message was displayed on screen.Like this only all the things were happening on internet.

Application protocols:

HTTP:(hyper text transfer protocol)

Web browser use http to communicate with web server.
  • world wide web(www)  is one of the most commonly used internet service which is worked with the help of application protocol "HTTP".
  • HTTP is a text based protocols which send  user's(client)  requests to web server for web elements such as webpage etc...
  • After the request  received from client(user)  the web server sends the webpage to user.After the transmission of webpage to client the connection betweeen client and webserver is disconnected.
  • For each request the browser will create a new connection between client and webserver.

SMTP:(Simple mail transfer protocol)

  • This type of protocol is also text based protocols like HTTP  but the difference is SMTP is connection oriented(i,e) it won't disconnect like http.This type of protocol is mainly used in microsoft outlook,netscape email etc..
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